[jbosstools-dev] [jdf-dev] JDF Quickstarts in JBoss Central?
Rafael Benevides
benevides at redhat.com
Mon Oct 15 10:57:51 EDT 2012
@FredBricon The build is not broke anymore.
@Kris Borchers
Could you take a look at this commit
and try to apply those diffs to aerogear repo
This will make easy to not broke the quickstarts anymore on next merge
from aerogear repo.
Thank you!
Em 12-10-2012 11:25, Fred Bricon escreveu:
> Pete, have you decided a strategy to handle the directory/project rename?
> I started scripting a folder rename as it seems easier to me.
> @Rafael, you broke the quickstarts with
> https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jboss-as-quickstart/commit/a4f9bbba5218b71d1d843f2d8c6141b9878f2963
> : projects don't compile anymore
> $ mvn clean
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> Downloading:
> https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/jboss/bom/jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools/${version.org.jboss.bom}/jboss-javaee-6.0-
> with-tools-${version.org.jboss.bom}.pom
> Downloading:
> http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/jboss/bom/jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools/${version.org.jboss.bom}/jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools-${version.org.jb
> oss.bom}.pom
> Downloading:
> https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/jboss/spec/jboss-javaee-web-6.0/${version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}/jboss
> -javaee-web-6.0-${version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}.pom
> Downloading:
> http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/jboss/spec/jboss-javaee-web-6.0/${version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}/jboss-javaee-web-6.0-${version.o
> rg.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}.pom
> [ERROR] The build could not read 2 projects -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] The project
> org.jboss.as.quickstarts:jboss-as-helloworld-html5:7.1.2-SNAPSHOT
> (D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart\helloworld-html5\pom.xml) has 8 error
> s
> [ERROR] Non-resolvable import POM: Could not transfer artifact
> org.jboss.bom:jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools:pom:${version.org.jboss.bom}
> from/to jboss-public-r
> epository
> (https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/):
> IllegalArgumentException @ line 53, column 25: Illegal character in
> path at index 1
> 06:
> https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/jboss/bom/jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools/${version.org.jboss.bom}/jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tool
> s-${version.org.jboss.bom}.pom -> [Help 2]
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar is missing. @ line 67, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.jboss.spec.javax.annotation:jboss-annotations-api_1.1_spec:jar is
> missing. @ line 75, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs:jboss-jaxrs-api_1.1_spec:jar is missing. @
> line 83, column 21
> [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin must be a valid version but
> is '${version.war.plugin}'. @ line 97, colu
> mn 26
> [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for
> org.jboss.as.plugins:jboss-as-maven-plugin must be a valid version but
> is '${version.org.jboss.as.plugins.maven.p
> lugin}'. @ line 108, column 26
> [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin must be a valid version
> but is '${version.compiler.plugin}'. @ lin
> e 114, column 26
> [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for
> com.mycila.maven-license-plugin:maven-license-plugin must be a valid
> version but is '${version.license.plugin}'.
> @ line 124, column 26
> [ERROR] The project
> org.jboss.as.quickstarts:jboss-as-kitchensink-html5-mobile:7.1.2-SNAPSHOT
> (D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart\kitchensink-html5-mobile\pom.
> xml) has 8 errors
> [ERROR] Non-resolvable import POM: Could not transfer artifact
> org.jboss.spec:jboss-javaee-web-6.0:pom:${version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}
> from/to jb
> oss-public-repository
> (https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/):
> IllegalArgumentException @ line 80, column 25: Illegal character in pat
> h at index 100:
> https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/jboss/spec/jboss-javaee-web-6.0/${version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}/jb
> oss-javaee-web-6.0-${version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0}.pom ->
> [Help 2]
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar is missing. @ line 94, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.jboss.spec.javax.annotation:jboss-annotations-api_1.1_spec:jar is
> missing. @ line 101, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs:jboss-jaxrs-api_1.1_spec:jar is missing. @
> line 108, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-2.0-api:jar is missing.
> @ line 115, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.jboss.spec.javax.ejb:jboss-ejb-api_3.1_spec:jar is missing. @ line
> 122, column 21
> [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for
> org.jboss.spec.javax.servlet:jboss-servlet-api_3.0_spec:jar is
> missing. @ line 129, column 21
> [ERROR] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for
> org.jboss.as.plugins:jboss-as-maven-plugin must be a valid version but
> is '${version.org.jboss.as.plugins.maven.p
> lugin}'. @ line 214, column 26
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with
> the -e switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
> please read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/ProjectBuildingException
> [ERROR] [Help 2]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/UnresolvableModelException
> Le 10/10/2012 13:54, Pete Muir a écrit :
>> Fred,
>> I think the way to do this is:
>> 1) define some quickstarts as "promoted" - those that are relevant to
>> a developer, today. Relevance could be based on a large existing
>> userbase, or the fact that the technology is new and upcoming. How
>> about we aim for 15 promoted quickstarts?
>> 2) display only the promoted quickstarts in JBDS
>> 3) revisit what is promoted regularly, eg. every 6 months
>> At some point, we should actually encode this into the quickstart
>> metadata.
>> For now, let's do it manually.
>> 1) helloworld
>> 2) greeter
>> 3) numberguess
>> 4) kitchensink
>> 5) kitchensink-html5-mobile
>> 6) helloworld-errai
>> 7) helloworld-jsf (renaming to helloworld-richfaces sometime soon
>> 8) tasks-rs
>> 9) tasks-jsf
>> 10) helloworld-rs
>> 11) kitchensink-cordova
>> 12) carmart
>> 13) carmart-transactional
>> 14) forge-from-scratch
>> 15) helloworld-jms
>> WDYT?
>> On 9 Oct 2012, at 17:08, Fred Bricon wrote:
>>> Le 09/10/2012 17:39, Burr Sutter a écrit :
>>>> If there are better examples than the current ones, please nominate
>>>> them!
>>> The "old" examples from previous JBT versions and still available
>>> until now use old/incomplete descriptors. There are literally dozens
>>> of them that need to be tested against JBT4, which represents a
>>> significant effort. Many examples relate to ESB (or other
>>> technologies) and I don't think they should be included in JBT
>>> anymore, but rather contributed by some SOA plugins.
>>> Likewise, identifying the JDF examples deserving to appear in JBT is
>>> no small feat, so I hoped this thread would help me gather some
>>> informations on what exactly we want to show the end-users.
>>>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Fred Bricon wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> we need to clean up the project examples in JBoss Tools 4.0/JBDS
>>>>> 6.0 (as part of https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12554).
>>>>> So, my idea was to replace all the old examples with the
>>>>> quickstarts from https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jboss-as-quickstart
>>>>> Since the quickstarts are not available as standalone zips, for
>>>>> consumption in JBT/JBDS, I created a script
>>>>> (https://github.com/fbricon/jboss-as-quickstart/commit/cb1a0638b352434c48c7ecb6de20ed514e0c31fb)
>>>>> that does that, and it also generates a project example stub we
>>>>> can use almost directly in JBT.
>>>>> D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart>mvn groovy:execute -N
>>>>> -Pzip-modules,requires-postgres,complex-dependencies,requires-full,requires-xts
>>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO] Building JBoss AS Quickstarts Parent 7.1.2-SNAPSHOT
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> [INFO] --- gmaven-plugin:1.4:execute (default-cli) @
>>>>> jboss-as-quickstarts-parent ---
>>>>> Starting zipping JBoss AS Quickstarts Parent modules
>>>>> Deleting D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart\target\zips
>>>>> Zipped 51 quickstart modules
>>>>> Generating project examples descriptor for JBoss Tools
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'bmt' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-bmt'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'cdi-injection' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-cdi-injection'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'cdi-portable-extension' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-cdi-portable-extension'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'ejb-in-ear' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-ejb-in-ear'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'ejb-in-war' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-ejb-in-war'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'ejb-remote' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-ejb-remote-parent'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'ejb-security' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-ejb-security'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'greeter' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-greeter'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-errai' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-errai'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-gwt' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-gwt'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-html5' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-html5'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-jms' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-jms'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-osgi' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-osgi'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-rs' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-rs'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-singleton' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-helloworld-singleton'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'hibernate3' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-hibernate3'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'hibernate4' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-hibernate4'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'kitchensink' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-kitchensink'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'kitchensink-ear' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-kitchensink-ear'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'kitchensink-html5-mobile' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-kitchensink-html5-mobile'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'kitchensink-jsp' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-kitchensink-jsp'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'kitchensink-ml' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-kitchensink-ml'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'kitchensink-ml-ear' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-kitchensink-ml-ear'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'log4j' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-log4j'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'logging-tools' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-logging-tools'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'mail' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-mail'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'numberguess' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-numberguess'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'payment-cdi-event' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-payment-cdi-event'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'richfaces-validation' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-richfaces-validation'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'servlet-async' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-servlet-async'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'servlet-filterlistener' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-servlet-filterlistener'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'servlet-security' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-servlet-security'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'tasks' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-tasks'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'tasks-jsf' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-tasks-jsf'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'temperature-converter' has a non matching
>>>>> artifactId 'jboss-as-temperature-converter'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'tasks-rs' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-tasks-rs'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'wicket-ear' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-wicket-ear-parent'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'wicket-war' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-wicket-war'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'xml-jaxp' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-xml-jaxp'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'xml-dom4j' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-xml-dom4j'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'cmt' has a non matching artifactId 'jboss-as-cmt'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'jts' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-jts-parent'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'jax-rs-client' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-jax-rs-client'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'inter-app' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-inter-app-parent'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'helloworld-mdb' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-helloworld-mdb'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'jta-crash-rec' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-jta-crash-rec'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'wsat-simple' has a non matching artifactId
>>>>> 'jboss-as-wsat-simple'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'wsba-coordinator-completion-simple' has a non
>>>>> matching artifactId 'jboss-as-wsba-coordinator-completion-simple'
>>>>> [WARNING] module 'wsba-participant-completion-simple' has a non
>>>>> matching artifactId 'jboss-as-wsba-participant-completion-simple'
>>>>> D:\Dev\GitHub\jboss-as-quickstart\target\zips\quickstarts.xml
>>>>> generated
>>>>> [WARNING] 50 quickstart artifactIds mismatch with their folder name.
>>>>> This will prevent WTP from opening the proper url when running on
>>>>> a server.
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO] Total time: 5.506s
>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Oct 09 15:02:44 CEST 2012
>>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 11M/490M
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> As hinted in the log, the examples wouldn't quite work perfectly
>>>>> OOTB.
>>>>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_change_the_context_root_of_my_project.3F
>>>>> explains how the context root is inferred from the pom.xml by
>>>>> m2e-wtp. However our own JBoss AS server adapter ignores the WTP
>>>>> project context root and bases its deployment on the project name,
>>>>> leading to 404s as seen in the video below.
>>>>> End result in JBT / Central :
>>>>> http://www.screencast.com/users/fbricon/folders/Jing/media/464f8246-84bc-4941-b84c-7ae6420c2ac7
>>>>> Now.
>>>>> * are you guys ok to actually remove and replace the old
>>>>> examples with the JDF quickstarts
>>>>> * if you're ok, I'll setup a CI job to deploy the quickstarts to
>>>>> download.jboss.org
>>>>> * who's willing to give me a hand in validating the quickstarts
>>>>> properly work in JBT/JBDS. That includes :
>>>>> - checking the project belongs (or not) to JBT/JBDS
>>>>> - checking there's a proper project description
>>>>> - checking the projects are properly configured (I noticed
>>>>> some EARs are seen as 1.3 instead of 6.0) and compile without errors
>>>>> - checking the projects deploy OOTB on AS7/EAP6
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Fred Bricon
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> jdf-dev mailing list
>>> jdf-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/jdf-dev
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