[jbosstools-dev] Flow, jbpm4, and jbdl4 have been removed from trunk

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Wed Sep 19 14:34:56 EDT 2012

Having spoken with the various component owners, the consensus was it'd 
be safe to remove flow, jbpm4, and jpdl4 as they're no longer being 
developed or included in JBoss Tools / JBDS.

Details here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12631

Apologies for not sending notice about this proposed (and now 
implemented) change sooner.

If this is a problem, please speak up now and I can revert the changes.



Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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