[jbosstools-dev] New promote script & Jenkins view for use with JBT SOA Tooling components (and later, JBT Core components in github, too)

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Fri Sep 21 14:12:14 EDT 2012


I've generalized the script I gave SwitchYard for promoting their 
nightlies to development (or stable) so it's much easier to "release" 
code to the community. Now with a handful of job parameters, you can 
publish your latest nightly on demand as a new build type.

(Aside: you may find I use the terms "promote" or "publish" 
interchangeably. That's because the act of "publishing" may include the 
act of renaming or "promoting" a build from a lower status 
(nightly/snapshot) to a higher status (milestone/release). Similarly, 
"promoting" may include the act of "publishing" bits from within Jenkins 
(lower state, internal only) to download.jboss.org (higher state, 
publicly available). Apologies in advance for the confusion this may cause.)

Anyhoo... the new script is here [0].

To use this in your own job, simply copy one of the jobs [1], [2] 
mentioned below, and you can publish your bits into the standard JBoss 
Tools directory structure.



Your SwitchYard-Tools-publish job [1] has been updated and should work 
but I haven't run it because I don't want to actually release one of 
your nightlies as a dev milestone. Note too that the order of the 
options for which Eclipse platform to use in the published path has been 
reversed as I assume you're now building on Juno, not Indigo (with 
possible backward support for Indigo). If that's an incorrect assumption 
it's easy to revert the options' order in the job config.


Dan & Randall,

I've tested this new script with ModeShape-Tools, and published [2] your 
latest nightly [3] as 3.0.0.Beta5, since that's what Dan was trying to 
do earlier today before he contacted me. Here are the jobs [2], [3].

Here's the build promoted by the -publish job [4]. If you weren't ready 
to call it a milestone we can delete it and respin as needed -- or just 
republish on top!

Note too that I moved your older Beta1 release from its old place under 
/modeshape/tools/updates/develop/ to here for consistency [5]. You might 
want to delete it entirely as it uses the old x.y.z.vTIMESTAMP 
versioning scheme which can't be updated to the new 
x.y.z.Beta5-TIMESTAMP features due to OSGi's versioning rules (users 
must uninstall it first).

Oh, and I noticed that your Beta1 was targetted at Indigo, but I assume 
your Beta5 is targetted at Juno. Is that correct?


SOA/BRMS project leads,

I've also created a new view in Jenkins to collate all the 
trunk/JBT4/JBDS6 jobs into a single place:


If your job(s) aren't listed, please edit the view and add them.

Once it's complete I can spawn a duplicate view (excluding the JBDS 
job(s)) which we can push to the public-facing Jenkins server, similar 
to http://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/view/SOA-Team/view/SOA_Tooling/

Why? Because community!


Still to do:

a) generate composite site metadata for all the contributed projects in 
a given folder so that end users can simply look to one URL instead of 
several (JBIDE-12662) - eg., 

b) generate index.html pages for the sites in place of a bare directory 
listing - requires adding an option to feed in a different header 
graphic (JBIDE-12660), as the various SOA/BRMS Tooling projects have 
their own branding already - see [5]). Then it's a simple matter of 
adapting what's already done for Central [6].



[0] http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/trunk/build/publish/promote.sh



(publishes to builds/staging/${JOB_NAME})



[6] http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/trunk/central/site/pom.xml

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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