[jbosstools-dev] Assigning JIRAs w/ patches for review
Bob Brodt
bbrodt at redhat.com
Fri Sep 28 09:46:08 EDT 2012
Since we're migrating to git, can we take advantage of github facilities (e.g. "pull requests") to help with code reviews?
----- Original Message -----
> Rob proposed an idea for facilitating tracking of patches for review,
> using the "review" label in JIRA.
> Here's how that would work.
> 1. you work on a JIRA
> 2. you attach a patch
> 3. you add the "review" label to the JIRA
> 4. you assign the JIRA to the correct reviewer (eg., Max, Denis,
> Len...)
> When reviewed & approved:
> 1. reviewer signs their approval in the JIRA
> 2. reviewer assigns the JIRA back to the person who attached the
> patch
> 3. review changes the label from "review" to "review_approved"
> 4. you then commit the change and mark the JIRA resolved, so that QE
> can
> then later mark it resolved when verified.
> If you'd like to see an example query with these labels, check this
> out:
> https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=labels+in+%28review%29+and+project+in+%28JBDS%2C+JBIDE%2C+TOOLSDOC%29&runQuery=true&clear=true
> https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=labels+in+%28review_approved%29+and+project+in+%28JBDS%2C+JBIDE%2C+TOOLSDOC%29&runQuery=true&clear=true
> Want to query for issues assigned to YOU to review or which you've
> approved? Use "assignee = currentUser()" in your queries:
> https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=labels+in+%28review%29+and+project+in+%28JBDS%2C+JBIDE%2C+TOOLSDOC%29+and+assignee+%3D+currentUser%28%29&runQuery=true&clear=true
> https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=labels+in+%28review_approved%29+and+project+in+%28JBDS%2C+JBIDE%2C+TOOLSDOC%29+and+assignee+%3D+currentUser%28%29&runQuery=true&clear=true
> What do you think? Good idea? Process overkill?
> --
> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
> http://nick.divbyzero.com
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