[jbosstools-dev] Upcoming target platform based on Kepler SR1 (RC1/RC2)

Mickael Istria mistria at redhat.com
Fri Aug 30 06:52:45 EDT 2013

Hi all,

Here is the pull request for JBIDE-15382 (Move to Kepler SR1 RC1/RC2): 
It consists in feature version changes. It uses URL from the current 
Eclipse aggregator.
* some are still using same version that we had for Kepler release 
(Birt, jetty, SWTBot)
* most have contributed a RC1 build
* some (Orbit, EGit) already contributed a RC2 build

Please review this PR and yell if there is anything shocking. You can 
use the following stuff to try to build your component against this 
suggested PR:
   jbosstools-target-platforms$ git fetch mistria JBIDE-15382
   jbosstools-target-platforms$ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
   jbosstools-target-platforms$ cd jbosstools/multiple
   multiple$ mvn clean install -P \!multiple2repo
   multiple$ cd /path/to/your/component
   component$ mvn clean verify 

As this will be the TP which we'll use to build upcoming JBT 
4.2.0.Alpha1 by the end of next week, I HIGHLY recommend you to give a 
try to the few previous lines to anticipate unexpected changes.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets 
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