[jbosstools-dev] Secure Storage default password dialog

phantomjinx p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
Mon Feb 11 05:42:26 EST 2013


Due to some feedback I had from people testing Teiid Designer 8.1 (unreleased), they were initially
confused / thrown by the secure storage password dialog popping up for the jboss server / teiid
server admin password. As a consequence, I investigated overriding it to display a more descriptive
and tailored dialog. A screenshot is available at [1].

The commit is currently waiting to be merged into the Designer codebase but wondered if this might
be useful going into a JBossTools repository instead? If so, which one?



[1] http://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIIDDES-1591

Paul Richardson

  * p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
  * p.g.richardson at redhat.com
  * pgrichardson at linux.com

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