[jbosstools-dev] Parent pom updated! Minimum/default target platform used in master branch (4.1/7.0) now points at Kepler M4 bits, with M5 coming next week; Juno&Kepler TPs will remove unneeded IUs next week
Denis Golovin
dgolovin at exadel.com
Wed Jan 30 15:22:40 EST 2013
On 01/30/2013 12:08 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
> 1.
> It was decided today that because we can't build ALL of JBoss Tools
> using Juno, we should build everything with Kepler instead. (Hibernate
> Tools depends on Dali, which broke API again. Since JavaEE project
> depends on Hibernate Tools, this affects a large chunk of our stack.)
> This is in keeping with past years, where each release is not
> backwards-compatible w/ its previous due to changes at Eclipse
> preventing it. (eg., in JBT 4.0, we tried to build on both Indigo and
> Juno, and ultimately decided we should be building on Juno. Again,
> Hibernate Tools / Dali caused this.)
> If you want to build locally against Juno instead of Kepler for your own
> tests/sanity checks, use this:
> mvn verify -DTARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION=4.20.5.Final-SNAPSHOT #JunoSR0
> mvn verify -DTARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION=4.21.3.Final-SNAPSHOT #JunoSR1
Would be good to have something easy to remember like
mvn verify -PJunoSR0
mvn verify -PJunoSR1
> This is now the default behaviour (-D flag not needed):
> mvn verify -DTARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION=4.30.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT #KeplerM4
> --
> 2.
> Next week, I will be moving TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION to
> 4.30.1.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT, which will include updated Kepler M5 bits
> (including m2e/m2e-wtp updates).
> --
> 3.
> In addition to moving to Kepler M5, I will also be removing UML2,
> Graphiti & Zest, which will hereinafter be included on the new JBTIS
> (Integration Stack, formerly SOA Tooling) target platform. This will be
> If you are in charge of a JBoss Tools 4.1 or 4.0 (Core) project and need
> UML2, Graphiti, or Zest, let me know BEFORE next week, and we can
> discuss keeping those reqs in the target platform for your use.
> Otherwise I'll assume no one needs them, and they're safe to purge.
> --
> Once the cruft has been cleaned, new TPs will be released & linked into
> the usual places [1], [2]:
> 4.20.6.Final-SNAPSHOT #JunoSR0 (6th respin)
> 4.21.4.Final-SNAPSHOT #JunoSR1 (4th respin)
> 4.30.1.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT #KeplerSR0, 1rst respin
Why are you releasing versions with SNAPSHOT suffix? What is wrong with
just 4.20.6.Final?
> [1] http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/juno/
> [2] http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/kepler/
> By the way, if you're looking to pull a target platform site zip and use
> it locally, we've relocated them here:
> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/targetplatforms/jbosstoolstarget/
> Question, comments, fear & loathing, or any other feedback... send it here.
> Cheers,
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