[jbosstools-dev] Locus Repository Usage

phantomjinx p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
Wed Jul 31 14:12:17 EDT 2013

Hi Rob,

>From a maintenance point-of-view, it would certainly improve matters for Teiid Designer since I have
to update Designer's clone of the integration-stack-base.target every time a new build of locus is made.

However, there is a strong possibility in the future that locus will carry multiple versions of the
same plugins, eg. saxon 9.2.1 (current in locus) and 9.4 (current released stable). In that
scenario, JBT-IS will have to specify both versions if some projects use one version and some
projects use another version. How likely this is remains a good question!



On 07/31/2013 06:00 PM, Rob Cernich wrote:
> Hey all,
> Recently, the JBTIS builds were broken and after a little analysis it appears the culprit is Locus.  After looking at how JBTIS is using Locus, I'm wondering if the target files for JBTIS are incorrect.
> Currently, the target files declare specific artifact versions, but specify the root locus repository URL.  Besides the fact that the JBTIS TP is pointing to the "integration" repository for Locus, I'm wondering if it would be better if we pointed at a specific version of Locus and simply specified the artifacts without version.  This would require less maintenance of the TP and should make the build more stable.  That said, the solution would only work if it is acceptable to version the dependencies based on a specific version of Locus.  Is this acceptable?
> Reference: https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-integration-stack/blob/master/target-platform/integration-stack-base.target#L10-34
> Specific plugin versions would go to 0.0.0, while the repository URL would go to .../stable/locus/<some-version>.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rob
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Paul Richardson

  * p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
  * p.g.richardson at redhat.com
  * pgrichardson at linux.com

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