[jbosstools-dev] Upcoming changes to schedule & target platform for JBT 4.1 / JBDS 7.0 Beta2 :: PLEASE READ
Nick Boldt
nboldt at redhat.com
Wed May 29 11:42:33 EDT 2013
I've changed schedule a little from previously proposed dates:
* addition of Target Platform change dates
* shift of code freeze dates from Fridays to Thursdays (to avoid some of
the issues we had for Beta1)
Here is the new proposed schedule, which will move us to Kepler RC2 next
week, then RC4/GA after JUDCON/RH Summit. Note that CR1 and Beta2 dates
will overlap slightly, but this is acceptable as we'll have a different
TP used in the stable branch that QE's testing vs. the master branch.
05/31/13 7.0.0.Beta1 QE End
06/03/13 7.0.0.Beta1 Avail EA/CSP staging + Marketplace << slip from May 31
06/03/13 7.0.0.Beta2 Start new target platform 4.30.5.Alpha6-SNAPSHOT
Kepler 4.3.0.RC2(a)
06/10/13 7.0.0.Beta2 Release target platform 4.30.5.Alpha6; update jobs
06/10/13 7.0.0.Beta2 New target platform 4.30.5.Alpha7 ? Kepler
4.3.0.RC3 only if needed
06/11/13 7.0.0.Beta2 Release target platform 4.30.5.Alpha7; update
jobs ? Kepler 4.3.0.RC3 only if needed
06/11/13 Red Hat Summit Red Hat Summit Start
06/13/13 7.0.0.Beta2 Code & Feature Freeze / Branch Beta 2 Kepler
06/14/13 Red Hat Summit Red Hat Summit End
06/17/13 7.0.0.Beta2 QE Start
06/17/13 7.0.0.CR1 Start new target platform 4.30.5.Beta1-SNAPSHOT
Kepler 4.3.0.RC4 (GA?)
06/24/13 7.0.0.CR1 Release target platform 4.30.5.Beta1; update jobs
06/24/13 7.0.0.CR1 Start new target platform 4.30.5.Final-SNAPSHOT
Kepler 4.3.0.GA (R) rename only?
06/27/13 7.0.0.CR1 Release target platform 4.30.5.Final; update jobs
06/27/13 7.0.0.Beta2 QE End
06/27/13 7.0.0.CR1 Code Freeze / Branch 7.0.x Kepler 4.3.0.RC2a/3/4/GA
06/28/13 7.0.0.Beta2 Avail EA/CSP staging + Marketplace
06/30/13 7.0.0.CR1 QE Start
07/10/13 7.0.0.CR1 QE End
07/11/13 7.0.0.CR1 Avail EA/CSP staging + Marketplace
07/14/13 7.0.0.CRX Quiet Period
07/23/13 7.0.0.GA Avail EA/CSP live + Marketplace Kepler 4.3.0.GA (R)
Questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask here or on IRC.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
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