[jbosstools-dev] Question on ASTools profiling

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Fri Nov 8 08:08:53 EST 2013

>>Then you should be able to run a profiler against any java launch, 
>>including our server adapter.
>I have tried to start a server from the Servers view using the Profile 
>It works for Tomcat, but doesn't work for JBoss AS.
>I have tried Tomcat 7, AS 7.1.1, AS 7.2.0, EAP 6.1 and YourKit 12.
>As I can see, YourKit integrates with WTP Tomcat and generic adapter. 
>I suppose we would have to add the integration with YourKit or use 
>manual settings.

Question is if YourKit's integration specifically targets the generic and wtp provided adapters
instead of being more generic and hook into the launcher framework where I believe they should
be able to just work ? 


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