[jbosstools-dev] Action Required: Don't change the IDE look/behavior ahead of 7.1.0/4.1.1 GA

Michelle Murray mmurray at redhat.com
Wed Nov 20 01:53:30 EST 2013

In preparation for GA, I am beginning the arduous task of verifying the text and graphics in the JBDS/JBT guides. This will take approximately 40 hours. It involves checking that the installer and IDE looks and behaves as I have documented and updating any inconsistencies that didn't get flagged in JIRAs or N&N (e.g., icon changes, menu item name changes, extra wizard fields). 

So DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING. F rom this point forwards, please refrain from making unnecessary changes to the IDE look/behavior for 7.1.0/4.1.1. If you absolutely have to make a look/behavior change, please contact me directly to alert me to the fact that you are changing something so I can identify any documentation impacts. 

I believe there will be very few, if any, IDE look/behavior changes between now and GA since we are at CR1 and in the final bug fixing phase. 

I'm aware that the following is an IDE look/behavior change not in the current CR1 build: 
* https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2821 

Thanks for your cooperation, 

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