[jbosstools-dev] Problem with project m2e vs validation during import

Xavier Coulon xcoulon at redhat.com
Fri Oct 11 03:36:05 EDT 2013


Thanks for the pointer. I'll double check that this morning. 

Best regards,

On Oct 11, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Max Andersen wrote:

> Xavier, 
> Worth checking out if your two different flows might be caused by your validator/builder being added in different sequence. Causing you to miss java changes ?
> /max (sent from my phone)
>> On 10/10/2013, at 20.06, Alexey Kazakov <akazakov at exadel.com> wrote:
>> I didn't notice any problems with CDI validation for m2e projects.
>> But when we enable CDI support on the project (there is the only method 
>> for that which is used by m2e, preference pages, new project wizard, 
>> install facet delegates, etc)
>> we make sure we have builders in .project in a proper order.
>> So we don't just add cdi and validation builders. We re-order the list 
>> of builders in .project. See 
>> WebModelPlugin.addNatureToProjectWithValidationSupport();
>> In our case four builders are critical: Java, KB, CDI, WST validation. 
>> And the order of these builders is critical for us.
>> Every time m2e changes something in the project, the whole stack of 
>> builders is invoked and even if it does change the project step-by-step 
>> the final changing/building will fix false validation problems caused by 
>> previous changes.
>> On 10/10/2013 09:50 AM, Rob Cernich wrote:
>>>> There is something badly wrong if we need to start making that the habit (if
>>>> your project is m2e then disable the validation and do it in a maven
>>>> plugin/extension instead) :)
>>> Yes.  That is the plan moving forward, but it was easier to get validation into the tooling than it was to get it into the mojo, so...
>>>> ...but that said - I know we've seen more than a few issues with m2e vs
>>>> eclipse causing "havoc" on builds.
>>>> /max
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 11:49:10AM -0400, Rob Cernich wrote:
>>>>> Hey Xavier,
>>>>> I had a similar problem with the SwitchYard validator. Upon further
>>>>> investigation, it appears m2e wants the Maven builder to be last in the
>>>>> list. Based on that, I eventually gave up, disabled the SwitchYard
>>>>> validator from the build and invoked it directly from the SwitchYard m2e
>>>>> build participant. I suspect something similar will probably need to be
>>>>> done in your case, assuming there is a JAX-RS participant for m2e.
>>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>>> Rob
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> hello,
>>>>>> I'm banging my head against the wall trying to fix this issue: On a Full
>>>>>> Publish LiveReload refreshes the browser before the application is fully
>>>>>> restarted
>>>>>> Here's the context: I have a kitchensink project in which there are are
>>>>>> JAX-RS errors (a custom JAX-RS HTTP Method is missing some annotations)
>>>>>> Now, here's the problem I have:
>>>>>> - in some cases, the metamodel exists and is complete (i.e.: the m2e
>>>>>> dependencies were properly set *before* the metamodel was built), and
>>>>>> then,
>>>>>> the validation occurs on the whole project, and I have the expect errors
>>>>>> reported.
>>>>>> - in other cases, the validation on the whole project is executed *before*
>>>>>> m2e did set the dependencies on the project's classpath. At this stage,
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> metamodel exists but it is empty (the java classes have compilation errors
>>>>>> because of missing libs, so no JAX-RS element was created). The metamodel
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> completed after m2e updated the project's classpath, but then a validation
>>>>>> job is triggered because of bunch of xml files (not related to the JAX-RS
>>>>>> classes) were processed by m2e and copied into the /target/classes output
>>>>>> folder. This means that the full validation was not executed.
>>>>>> Basically, it looks as if some operations (m2e / JAX-RS / validation)
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> always occur in the same order, which sometimes result in incomplete
>>>>>> validation and missing markers as expected. (not to mention that I have no
>>>>>> clue how to force the order of execution, which makes the debugging *not
>>>>>> fun*...)
>>>>>> Any idea how I could make sure the validation (based on
>>>>>> org.jboss.tools.common.validation) could be always called on the project
>>>>>> after m2e sets the dependencies in the classpath ?
>>>>>> Thanks for your help ;-)
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> /Xavier
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