[jbosstools-dev] [Soa-tools-list] Locus 1.1.0 is released
Max Andersen
manderse at redhat.com
Wed Oct 23 04:03:15 EDT 2013
Just since it seems a few key points about locus seem forgotten here are a few reminders:
Locus is *not* an updatesite to use in a way that exposes it to users - it is to be used to be included in other updatesites.
We used nexus to publish Locus so we can gather experience to use just pure mvn deploy, meaning:
a) no need for maintaining external buld scripts for publishing
b) stop/reduce the amount needed for publishing (being able to have others than a few people do these releases)
c) stop hiding or allowing "I can just edit the produced content manually on the running server"
About C - if the html is so often wrong these needs to change then that should simply not be included in the published updatesite zip;
or we simply do a basic respin to fix it - everything is tracked in git as opposed to "change it live on the server".
I think doing a basic 1.1.1.Final (or even just 1.1.0.Final) with the current locus setup is a trivial excercise compared to any manual
edits and tweaking which then gets lots for next time we build it.
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:04:27AM -0400, Max Andersen wrote:
>Just do a 1.1.1.Final and get it over with.
>It really shouldn't be this long to get done. That is the same as doing the mirroring and done much faster.
>It's just a quick update to fix minor issue for consistency.
>1.2.0.Final makes no sense since we didn't change anything functionality wise.
> is just as borked to use as 1.1.0.
>And "lets just change the index html straight on apache" is pointless since that is just continue doing things in a way that can't be reproduced easily and hides the actual changes (no matter how small)
>/max (sent from my phone)
>> On 22/10/2013, at 20.43, Rob Cernich <rcernich at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Maybe I've missed something in this whole discussion, but isn't a version of Locus simply a collection of specific versions of various OSGi-fied plugins? If so, a version of Locus is simply a version in a pom (that creates Locus), a tag in source control, some text in a p2 repository and a path segment in a URL. If it is that simple, can't we just mirror what's already out there to a different folder and everybody can simply update their Locus references to point to the new URL?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> Since the change we're proposing is really a non-change (just cosmetic
>>> alterations), why not 1.1.1.Final (maintenance) or even
>>> (trivial maintenance)?
>>> 1.2.0 suggests "we actually did something new" not "due to the limits of
>>> Nexus / Maven we are required to bump the version simply to adhere to
>>> versioning conventions that state we should have '.Final' as the
>>> qualifier on a release even though there's no actual IU in the site
>>> which contains this version, so it's entirely just a label".
>>> The more I think about this, the more the idea of having to respin
>>> simply for a cosmetic alteration seems pointless. Bumping the version
>>> means I'll have to push new bits onto download.jboss.org AND JBTIS will
>>> have to (again) update their TP references in order to pull down *the
>>> identical bits*. That's a lot of cascading work for a purely cosmetic
>>> change.
>>> So, other than the fact that the site doesn't have .Final in Nexus, and
>>> it says "Nightly" instead of "Stable", do we *REALLY* need to bother?
>>> Surely these are trivial problems we can fix in concert with some ACTUAL
>>> fixes or new content in Locus, for the 1.2 release in the far-flung future.
>>> WDYT?
>>>> On 10/22/2013 10:59 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
>>>>> On 10/22/2013 03:32 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>>>> -1 for fake commits just to bump the timestamp. A rebuild should
>>>>> change nothing but the build ID (build timestamp + build number).
>>>> I'm ok with that.
>>>>> +1 for re-releasing the bits as 1.1.0.Final, with the corrected
>>>>> index.html ("Stable Release" not "Nightly Build")
>>>> What about 1.2.0.Final? I've already made 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT follow 1.1.0 so
>>>> 1.2.0.Final would be easier.
>>>> --
>>>> Mickael Istria
>>>> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
>>>> My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets
>>>> <http://twitter.com/mickaelistria>
>>> --
>>> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
>>> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
>>> http://nick.divbyzero.com
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