[jbosstools-dev] XML Catalog, assistance needed

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Mon Apr 7 16:48:51 EDT 2014

On 7 Apr 2014, at 18:18, Rob Cernich wrote:

> Not sure if this helps or not, but here's what we're doing for 
> SwitchYard.
> 1. We're using catalog.xml files for all SwitchYard related schema.
> 2. The target URLs are relative, which makes it easy to specify the 
> target schema (i.e. you don't have to use something like: 
> platform:/plugin/path/to/schema.xsd).
> 3. Catalogs are chained, which makes it easy to group the types of 
> schema, e.g. third-party, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, etc.
> 4. You don't need to figure out how the XML tools extension points 
> work.
> 5. The catalog files are portable, e.g. I can manually add the base 
> catalog from my tools project to my development workspace get schema 
> resolution working (obviously, I need to make sure my tools project is 
> up to date, but it works most of the time).

Excellent - I was wondering about using the catalog format but couldn't 
find an example. Yours definitely helps and much better agreed.

I talked with Rob S. on chat today and the biggest problem we got is a 
bunch of the schemas we got does not really have a clear 
on were they came from...so that needs to be cleaned up/figured out 

And yes - the catalog approach is definitely a simpler setup.


> Feel free to ping me on IRC.
> Here's the project link (note, the schema folder is populated via 
> maven dependency unpack): 
> https://github.com/jboss-switchyard/tools/tree/master/eclipse/plugins/org.switchyard.tools.xsd
> Here's the resulting plugin jar (might be easier to look at): 
> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/kepler/integration-stack/switchyard/1.1.5.Final/plugins/org.switchyard.tools.xsd_1.1.5.v20140403-2328-H5-Final.jar
> ----- Original Message -----
>> hey,
>> I started by reading the docs for catalogcontributions.
>> http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/wst/components/xml/M5/new_and_noteworthy/catalogContributions.html
>> This doc describes that 'public' is what is used to "associates a URI
>> reference with the public identitier portion of an external 
>> identifier"
>> and uri "uri element associates a URI reference with the a URI 
>> reference
>> that is not part of an external identifier."
>> Thus these are two different things.
>> You need a at least a public entry to make it work for when users 
>> don't
>> list identifiers and uri is for when direct urls are used.
>> Thus if you don't have public entries then it explains why it does 
>> not
>> work.
>> Other background info:
>> http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/wst/components/xml/M5/new_and_noteworthy/XMLCatalog-m5.html
>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/Using_the_XML_Catalog
>>> I'm looking at separating out the xml schema catalog entries into
>>> their
>>> own plugin, and a request has been made to add even more schemas.
>> btw. if you are going to create new plugin please name the dir 
>> "schemas"
>> not just dtd ;)
>>> But
>>> I'm having a problem discovering how to do it uniformly. There are
>>> several syntaxes used to add entries, and I really don't know which
>>> syntax to use and when:
>> See above - public != uri.
>>> We use the following syntaxes at varying times:
>>> This first one (FORMAT 1) is most often used by our legacy dtd's, 
>>> and
>>> I
>>> honestly have no idea how it works at all:
>>>     <public publicId="-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 4.0//EN"
>>> uri="platform:/plugin/org.jboss.tools.as.catalog/dtd/jboss_4_0.dtd"
>>> webURL="http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss_4_0.dtd"/>
>> This is the entry that defines if you have a public id "-//JBoss//DTD
>> JBOSS 4.0//EN"
>> eclipse should look at this uri inside your plugin to get the schema.
>>> I've seen this next entry (FORMAT 2) added as well. The thing to 
>>> note
>>> here is that the name attribute, which I believe represents 
>>> namespace,
>>> is set to http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee, but an open jira
>>> indicates
>>> this type of catalog entry will form invalid xml files and we should
>>> avoid it.
>>>     <uri name="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee"
>>> uri="platform:/plugin/org.jboss.tools.as.catalog/dtd/jbossws-web-services_1_0.xsd"/>
>> Which jira ?
>> What actually happens ?
>>> The next syntax (FORMAT 3) is similar, but seems to have a namespace
>>> that points to a specific xsd file.
>>>     <uri name="http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema/jboss_5_0.xsd"
>>> uri="platform:/plugin/org.jboss.tools.as.catalog/dtd/jboss_5_0.xsd"/>
>> I don't think there are any difference between FORMAT 2 and FORMAT 3 
>> -
>> they are just mappings of two uri's.
>>> The fourth (FORMAT 4) seems most often used by our newest schema, 
>>> and
>>> seems the most successful one.
>>>     <uri name="urn:jboss:1.0"
>>> uri="platform:/plugin/org.jboss.tools.as.catalog/dtd/jboss_1_0.xsd"/>
>> Define succesful ?
>> This is simply mapping that when you use urn:jboss:1.0 as a namespace
>> uri it will use this specific resource to locate it.
>> Thus in short - you got *2* different entries, public and uri. They 
>> do
>> different things (hence different names).
>> and inside uri you are simply mapping a "virtual name" to a specific
>> different resource that the tool can use.
>>> The problem for me is that when I look at many other xsd files that
>>> could be added, they don't show namespaces in a urn:jboss format.
>> No, that is extra knowledge but they follow the same pattern so could
>> probably be automated.
>> Just need to verify against actual documentation on how to use these
>> JBoss dtd/xmls.
>>> Looking at the xsd files directly, they also don't have a string 
>>> like
>>> "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema/jboss_5_0.xsd" anywhere in the xsd
>>> file, so I can't use formats 4 or 3.  I have no idea how format 1
>>> works,
>>> and format 2 has been indicated to be non-functional.
>>> So if I want to add an xsd file that has header like the one below, 
>>> I
>>> have no idea how to add it:
>>> <xsd:schema
>>> targetNamespace="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
>>> xmlns:javaee="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
>>> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
>>> elementFormDefault="qualified"
>>> attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>>> version="2.1">
>> I don't actually think xmlcatalog will even affect this creation - 
>> can
>> you give me an example on how ?
>> /max
>> http://about.me/maxandersen
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