[jbosstools-dev] tern.java forum

Paul Verest paul.verest at live.com
Wed Apr 23 09:34:06 EDT 2014

Hello Everybody

There is really nice team gathering about tern.java

Let's continue to use GitHub issues for discussion
- it is more organized with distinct issues
- it is real time
- issues and code can be easily referenced, images just drag-and-dropped
- it uses markdown that can be easily copied to wiki or README
- it spams less (I have separate emailbox for GitHub notifications enide.github at gmail.com but mostly check on https://github.com/notifications )
- Google groups are recently blocked in China (before they were terribly slow, there is no Google servers in China)
- (for organization owners) recently GitHub even gives view stats like Google Analytics for pages

tern.java Google group / forum may happily continue to exist as place for users to ask questions
- how to use
- have long and non-constructive discussions (while issues on GitHub should be closeable, i.e. there is to be some result by each issue)

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:08:55 +0200
Subject: tern.java forum
From: angelo.zerr at gmail.com
To: jbosstools-dev at lists.jboss.org; pascal.leclercq at gmail.com; gregory.amerson at liferay.com; paul.verest at live.com; marijnh at gmail.com

Hi All,
At first I would like to say you "Many thank's!" to interest you to tern.java (and tern.js) and for your contributions. It's a fantastic adventure fore me and I have a great luck to work with guys like you.

I contact you because you are integrating tern.java (and AngularJS Eclipse) : 
 * in JBoss Tools * in Liferay IDE * in Nodeclipse.

I hope that our collaboration will show that tern.js is the killer javascript inference engine.
I contact you, because I think it's important that we share our idea about tern.java (and tern.js) in a commons forum. So my idea is to  create a Google Groups "tern.java" for that.

I would like to explain more my roadmap (like Tern Tooling https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/wiki/Tern-Toolings to provide Eclipse wizards to create JSON type definitions, server plugin and CodeMirror/Ace/Orion editor plugged with tern).

What do you think about this idea of Google Groups "tern.java"?
Regards Angelo 		 	   		  
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