[jbosstools-dev] Update Target Platform 4.40.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT to Luna M5

Mickael Istria mistria at redhat.com
Thu Feb 6 09:32:04 EST 2014

> Btw. just so we compare the right apples and oranges - which target 
> file do you want me to use ? also .multiple ?
Yes, multiple only. The one that is recommended to use for development 
in IDE as it provides source "naturally", and which is used by Tycho to 
create the mirror.

> Since I can also use the mvn output as a mirror setup it at least for 
> me is much faster and reputable.
Why do you need a mirror? Tycho caches so much stuff that you already 
have a mirror without even configuring one.

> btw. if tycho is so much slower - I wonder what it is doing since PDE 
> should be doing the same thing...
PDE relies on p2, which relies on ECF, allowing parallel downloads among 
other optimizations. I guess It also fetches only p2 artifacts and 
unpack them locally, dividing by 3 to 4 the amount of downloaded bytes. 
It's just smarter than the mirror goal (that is not part of Tycho, but a 
plugin of ours).

> You want me to report broken network connections to eclipse.org 
> mirrored servers ?
So broken connection are not at all related to how you consume TP. They 
happen for both "mvn verify" and IDE the same way. This is not a 
criterion to tell one thing is better than the other.
FYI, I also often have broken connection when mirroring TP with Maven. 
It's not better for that.

If you feel comfortable with TP, and want to hack stuff, it's up to you. 
But beware that several people in the team didn't fully understand it 
yet and get confused by opposite instructions. The simplest approach is 
the one documented in 
, which as for only drawback compared to mirroring locally to make 
workspace not usable for the time it fetches artifacts. But it's simple, 
people understand it, and it only cost 15 minutes per workspace every 6 
weeks or so.

I believe there aren't many arguments remaining for not recommending 
simply using .target file in IDE :P
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets 
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