[jbosstools-dev] Proposed change to JBT 4.40.Beta4-SNAPSHOT target platform: remove {egit/jgit}, update {m2e-wro4j, tern, angularJS}, add {vpe.cordovasim, maven.jbosspackaging, common.mylyn}
Nick Boldt
nboldt at redhat.com
Thu Jul 3 08:04:14 EDT 2014
- Previous message: [jbosstools-dev] Proposed change to JBT 4.40.Beta4-SNAPSHOT target platform: remove {egit/jgit}, update {m2e-wro4j, tern, angularJS}, add {vpe.cordovasim, maven.jbosspackaging, common.mylyn}
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>> * JBDS-3079 - add org.jboss.tools.vpe.cordovasim.feature,
>> org.jboss.tools.maven.jbosspackaging.feature, and
>> org.jboss.tools.common.mylyn.feature to JBoss Central TP
> -100 (this just seems very pointless based on current description)
OK, so then these connectors can't easily be installed into JBDS via
Or the connectors need to be changed to omit the aforementioned
features, which may make them installable but non-functional.
Alternatively, I could add these features back into the JBDS installer
so that they're available for offline Central installs. This is still my
preferred solution as it's the least maintenance required between
milestones (Central TP doesn't need updating each time we release a
Or we can go back to option (a), which is to tell people that for
Central offline installs, you need:
* JBDS installer (642 or 504M),
* Central update site (115M),
AND now as well:
* JBDS update site (855M)
For Beta2, you only needed the installer and Central update site. This
change -- losing these three features from the installer jar -- means
forcing an additional download onto users. That download is 855M.
I would rather these three tiny features be in the installer, but since
Denis rejected that solution, I would next rather they be added to the
Central site so they can be found offline.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
- Previous message: [jbosstools-dev] Proposed change to JBT 4.40.Beta4-SNAPSHOT target platform: remove {egit/jgit}, update {m2e-wro4j, tern, angularJS}, add {vpe.cordovasim, maven.jbosspackaging, common.mylyn}
- Next message: [jbosstools-dev] Proposed change to JBT 4.40.Beta4-SNAPSHOT target platform: remove {egit/jgit}, update {m2e-wro4j, tern, angularJS}, add {vpe.cordovasim, maven.jbosspackaging, common.mylyn}
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