[jbosstools-dev] Beta3 Respin-a status #2: Base, Server, WS, Central, Openshift, VPE, JavaEE, JST, Forge, Hibernate, Discovery are being rebuilt this weekend

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Fri Jul 11 15:35:22 EDT 2014

To avoid unnecessary rebuilds between Beta3 and its respin(s) (and make 
it easier to diff the changes between builds), I have disabled all jobs 
until we need them.

According to this query [1] the only jobs that need to be enabled are:

* Base
* Server
* Webservices
* Central
* Openshift
* JavaEE

Additionally, these jobs have been re-enabled to collect &/or verify the 
above changes, or to automatically fire should any of the 9  unresolved 
JIRAs [1] be fixed before Sunday night:

* Forge
* Hibernate

* Central Discovery
* JBoss Tools composite install test
* JBoss Tools aggregate update sites (4 jobs)
* JBDS installer
* JBDS versionwatch
* p2 director install test
* install grinder install test

The following jobs are *STILL DISABLED*. If you require a fresh build to 
be included in respin-a, please make sure you re-enable your job & kick 
it off yourself.

* Aerogear
* Browsersim
* Freemarker
* Livereload
* Portlet

If you push in a fix for your Beta3x branch, please remember to enable 
and kick your job. This will guarantee that your code change will be 
built and aggregated into JBT & JBDS correctly.


Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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