[jbosstools-dev] AngularJS Eclipse

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Fri Mar 21 05:41:22 EDT 2014

On 12 Mar 2014, at 16:03, Angelo zerr wrote:

> Hi Max,
> Just for your information, my friend Pascal has fixed the problem with
> chmod with node.js on macosx. Please retry it.

Cool I will.

> I have added too some screenshot witj jQuery completion at
> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/wiki/Tern-&-jQuery-support
> You can see that tern is enable to manage jQuery Event.


> Hope you will like it.
> Regards Angelo
> 2014-03-06 11:01 GMT+01:00 Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse at redhat.com>:
>> Hope you will understand what I mean. But Im I am honored by your
>>>>> proposal.
>>>>> Thank's
>>>> Yes, I completely understand.
>>>> We are still looking and playing with it but if we continue to find 
>>>> it
>>>> really
>>>> good (we do right now ;) we'll look into somehow fork it and do our
>>>> own version/release of tern.java and possibly angular.js.
>>>> Hope you understand that too.
>>> I understand that, but I think we should working together.
>> Yes, thats what I would like too and note, even if we fork I hope we 
>> don't
>> have to deviate much. We want to contribute as much as possible on a
>> shared project.
>> I tell you that
>>> because as I said you, I have a lot of ideas to improve tern.java
>>> features.
>>> But we will speak about this topic when and if you wish to integrate
>>> tern.java to JBoss Tools.
>> Thats kinda now.
>> Denis and Victor looking at it and seeing what we can do
>> for our upcoming beta1 and beta2.
>> Maybe easier to chat on IM ? you can reach us on #jbosstools on irc 
>> or
>> via Skype (send you my details on twitter ;)
>> /max
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> /max
>>>> Regards Angelo
>>>>>> . I
>>>>>> have a lot and lof of idea to improve it not only for angular but 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> Javascript features like refactoring, hover, validation.
>>>>>>> I think tern.java should be refactored again and IMHO I think we
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> waiting that tern.java is stable if you wish to integrate to 
>>>>>>> JBoss.
>>>>>>> More
>>>>>>> some tests of performance must be done (I believe that Victor 
>>>>>>> works on
>>>>>>> that).
>>>>>>> lets see what the performance impacts are - jsdt isn't exactly 
>>>>>>> fast
>>>>>> either.
>>>>>> This feature is managed just with a simple JSON :
>>>>>>> "on": {
>>>>>>> "!type": "fn(events: string, selector?: string, data?: ?,
>>>>>>> handler: fn(+jQuery.Event)) -> jQuery.fn",
>>>>>>> "!url": "http://api.jquery.com/on/",
>>>>>>> "!doc": "Attach an event handler function for one or more
>>>>>>> events to the selected elements."
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> Yeah I like this  - much simpler than other typedef descriptions
>>>>>> found in
>>>>>> things like vjet and others.
>>>>>> It declares just that handler is a function which waits a 
>>>>>> jQuery.Event
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> that's all!
>>>>>>> I'm studying how to manage validation with Tern. here a 
>>>>>>> screenshot
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> CodeMirror :
>>>>>>> [image: Images intégrées 1]
>>>>>>> Today I think node.js doesn't please you,
>>>>>>> Not really - I just don't want it to fail in a default 
>>>>>>> install...i.e.
>>>>>> should bundle a node.js engine
>>>>>> by default so no external node js is required (can still allow 
>>>>>> users
>>>>>> override that but make the default
>>>>>> experience be a "it just works")
>>>>>> but tern.java provides an API to
>>>>>> use tern.js with other javascript engine (I had implemented with
>>>>>>> Rhino,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> it's too slowly and outofmemory problem, but what about java8 
>>>>>>> nashorn?
>>>>>>> It is worth trying but since nashorn only runs on Java 8 it is 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>> something we can/should depend on
>>>>>> while Java 6 is still big, but luckily java 7 is getting better 
>>>>>> ;)
>>>>>> Having nashorn as an option when you are running with jdk 8 would 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> interesting to see if it
>>>>>> works better or worse than rhino/node.js.
>>>>>> /max
>>>>>> Regards Angelo
>>>>>>> 2014-03-05 7:38 GMT+01:00 Max Rydahl Andersen 
>>>>>>> <manderse at redhat.com>:
>>>>>>> On 1 Mar 2014, at 19:06, Angelo zerr wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> For your information, I have created a getting started for 
>>>>>>>> AngularJS
>>>>>>>>> Eclipse at
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/angelozerr/angularjs-eclipse/wiki/
>>>>>>>>> Getting-Started
>>>>>>>>> which explains how to install and configure (node.js, angular 
>>>>>>>>> syntax
>>>>>>>>> directive, tern console, etc)
>>>>>>>>> Cool!
>>>>>>>> Hope it will help you more to see features of AngularJS 
>>>>>>>> Eclipse.
>>>>>>>>> Yeah, I like it. Really would like to find a way to integrate 
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>> smoothly into eclipse/jboss tools.
>>>>>>>> /max
>>>>>>>> Regards Angelo
>>>>>>>>> 2014-02-28 18:05 GMT+01:00 Angelo zerr 
>>>>>>>>> <angelo.zerr at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> At first I have commited an improvment about Node.js 
>>>>>>>>> preferences.
>>>>>>>>>> Now
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> can set the node.js path. See attached screenshot.
>>>>>>>>>> The combo is filled with default path according the OS. If 
>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> node
>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> not installed in the default path, it searchs in your PATH 
>>>>>>>>>> env if
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>> a node path to retrieve the well path.
>>>>>>>>>> I updated the plugin and I can see the node and npm binaries 
>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> executable
>>>>>>>>>>> so I get an error like:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cannot run program
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/Users/max/products/eclipse/luna/eclipse/plugins/tern.
>>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.macosx.cocoa.x86_64_1.0.
>>>>>>>>>>> 0.201402271715/nodejs/node-v0.10.22-macosx-x86_64/bin/node"
>>>>>>>>>>> (in directory "/Users/max/Documents/workspace-luna3/dfdf"):
>>>>>>>>>>> error=13,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Permission denied
>>>>>>>>>>>> When I chmod +X those files it seem to start working.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I wasn't required to change "executable" attribute on my 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fedora
>>>>>>>>>>>> 20
>>>>>>>>>>>> x86_64. What kind of problem it could be: the problem of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> OSX or
>>>>>>>>>>> wrong
>>>>>>>>>>> executable attribute for "node" and "executable" binaries in
>>>>>>>>>>> repository?
>>>>>>>>>>> It's my friend Pascal who has created this embed node.js, I 
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>> answer
>>>>>>>>>> you but now he is on holiday.
>>>>>>>>>> But with my improvement, you can try to install node.js in 
>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> computer
>>>>>>>>>> and use "Native Node.js".
>>>>>>>>>> If you want to see the command line of node.js + teh JSON
>>>>>>>>>> request/response
>>>>>>>>>> used with tern server, you can see those traces in Eclipse 
>>>>>>>>>> Console.
>>>>>>>>>> See https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/wiki/Tern-Console
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps it should better to have an install URL per OS?
>>>>>>>>>>> noo - not necessary. You can mark a bundle to just apply to 
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific
>>>>>>>>>>>> OS via Eclipse-PlatformFilter
>>>>>>>>>>>> See
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-xulrunner/blob/
>>>>>>>>>>>> master/plugins/org.mozilla.xulrunner.gtk.linux.x86/META-
>>>>>>>>>>> INF/MANIFEST.MF#L9
>>>>>>>>>>> as an example.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would suggest making the feature default require these 
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugins
>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>> install by default would work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thank's for your information. I will speak to Pascal 
>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>> idea.
>>>>>>>>>> Today Eclipse freezes, but I must do that in background.
>>>>>>>>>> Is there an issue for this somewhere ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is 2 issues about tern performance :
>>>>>>>>>> * "Parse JS file of tern doc with monitor" =>
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/issues/5
>>>>>>>>>> * "Improve performance with JS Editor and tern completion" =>
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/issues/6
>>>>>>>>>> Can we avoid it have to parse
>>>>>>>>>>> constantly ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can one just tell it to parse one file as oppose to all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you open completion, it parses one time the whole 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> parses the current file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I must improve the completion performance by using the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "part"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tern (not need to parse each time the whole file).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today I use Tern for completion, find type in HTML editor. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tern
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> enable to manage search and refactoring.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you found the bundled binaries to work across various 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OS's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No I have just Windows and my friend pascal has Linux.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice days.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Angelo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2014-02-26 21:36 GMT+01:00 Victor Rubezhny <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vrubezhny at exadel.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /max
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>>>>>>>>> /max
>>>>>>>> http://about.me/maxandersen
>>>>>>>> [TernCompletionEvent.png]
>>>>>>> [TernCompletionJQuery.png]
>>>>>>> [TernLintDemo.png]
>>>>>> /max
>>>>>> http://about.me/maxandersen
>>>> /max
>>>> http://about.me/maxandersen
>> /max
>> http://about.me/maxandersen


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