[jbosstools-dev] Fwd: Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing

Fred Bricon fbricon at redhat.com
Fri May 30 09:02:08 EDT 2014

Relaying Paul Verest's request for some speakers for Eclipse DemoCamp
Beijing on June 28th 2014.
More info at https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Luna_2014/Beijing

Unless you're physically in Beijing at that time, you can participate
via Skype.

I can't make it this year for personal reasons, but I believe many of
you have some quality stuff ready to be presented, so please don't
hesitate to contact Paul (paul.verest at live.com)


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From: 	Paul Verest <paul.verest at live.com>
To: 	rruss at redhat.com <rruss at redhat.com>, fbricon at redhat.com
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CC: 	Max Rydahl Andersen <max.andersen at redhat.com>
Subject: 	Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing RE: [jbosstools-dev] Eclipse process
vs just OSS RE: Nodeclipse IDE (or components) in JBoss Tools?
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Hello Rodney, Fred

This is not urgent, but just to say Hi
and invite again Red Hat to be at Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing


Best regards,
Paul Verest

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