[jbosstools-dev] JBDSIS 8.0.0.Beta1/ JBTIS 4.2.0.Beta1 Luna Integration Stack tooling QE handoff

Paul Leacu pleacu at redhat.com
Thu Oct 23 18:46:04 EDT 2014

      The latest Eclipse-Luna capable, JBDS 8.0.0.GA compatible Integration Stack tooling is
   available for QE testing.  This capture contains new versions of BPMN2, Fuse Tooling, SwitchYard
   and Teiid Designer. 

   This release is for internal consumption only until after QE has sanctioned it.

   JBDSIS 8.0.0.Beta1, JBTIS 4.2.0.Beta1

   1. If installing from Eclipse Luna:
       Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
       - in the 'Search' tab enter 'jbds' in the 'Find' input widget
       - select the 'Go' button
       - install 'Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.0.GA'

   2. Start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds from step 1, then:
       Help > Install New Software...
       - use this for 'Location:'


   Note that the integration stack update site is in a QE development area until after it's validated. If you have
   trouble accessing the server add these lines to your /etc/hosts or C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
   file: dev39.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com www.qa.jboss.com hudson.qa.jboss.com

   JBoss Central is supported for the production capture as Early Access (JBDSIS):  ** Note - Select the 'Enable Early Access' checkbox **

   * Specify the integration stack discovery artifact:
     ./jbdevstudio -vmargs -Djboss.discovery.directory.url=http://www.qa.jboss.com/binaries/RHDS/discovery/integration/integration-stack/8.0.0.Beta1/devstudio-integration-stack-directory.xml

   The standard p2 installer is available for the community capture (JBTIS):

   * Start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds, then:
       Help > Install New Software...
       - use this for 'Location:'  ** Note this is a different URL than before **

   JBoss Central is supported for the community capture as Early Access (JBTIS):  ** Note - Select the 'Enable Early Access' checkbox **

   * Install JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Final:
       Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
       - in the 'Search' tab enter 'jboss tools' in the 'Find' input widget
       - select the 'Go' button
       - install 'JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Final'
   * Specify the integration stack discovery artifact:
     ./eclipse -vmargs -Djboss.discovery.directory.url=http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/discovery/development/integration-stack/4.2.0.Beta1/jbosstools-integration-stack-directory.xml

   ** New - A standalone p2 installer is now available for the community capture (JBTIS):

   * Start eclipse Luna, then:
       Help > Install New Software...
       - use this for 'Location:'

   ** Extra Credit **
   For component and QE test developers - the JBTIS target platform is:


   Give it a try!

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