[jbosstools-dev] Question on data virtualization runtimes and where downloadRuntime support belongs

phantomjinx p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
Fri Apr 10 04:33:22 EDT 2015

Rob, Max,

See inline ...

On 10/04/15 08:53, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> To summarize (and cc Barry since he is the one doing teiid tooling)
>> So the question is:  where should the code for recognizing local DV
>> installs, downloading DV runtimes, etc, live?  ASTools, or Teiid?
> I do not see any reason to why ASTools should handle download of Teiid. 
> Shouldn't Teiid just do this using
> the api we provide like done for the others ?

I would strongly support Teiid doing it itself. At the moment, the teiid-runtime is carried by the
Teiid Designer plugins and is designed to be backward compatible over Teiid versions and to some
extent across jboss versions (7/8). Thus, install Teiid Designer and you get support for whatever
Teiid version has been installed on your jboss server.

> I assume this is all in context of 
> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE-19574  ?
> With respect for runtime detection I guess that is a completely separate 
> story.
> Is teiid a separate server like SOA-P/FSW or is Teiid something that is 
> installed into an existing EAP based server ?

Yes, Teiid is a module installed on top of an existing EAP server that provides its own API for
deployment of artifacts, using the jb admin port, JDBC querying of modelled db connections using its
own port (31000) and installs its own susbsytems for translators, data sources etc.

> Does teiid even need "special" recognition handling ?
> how does teiid today figure out wether an EAP server needs to show Teiid 
> features in the server view ?
The Teiid Designer plugins take care of this by querying the EAP server for the relevent subsystems
that Teiid would be installed to. It also finds the version of Teiid installed and provides this
back to the modelling environment as the modelling version (determines parsing/resolving/validating
of SQL queries for example). The UI for Teiid in the Server View is tacked onto the existing View
using one of the extension points already available.

Essentially, this means if you want to model/deploy a Virtual Database (VDB) to Teiid using Eclipse
then install the Teiid Designer plugins and you get all the extra pieces required.

Hope this helps.



Paul Richardson

  * p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
  * p.g.richardson at redhat.com
  * pgrichardson at linux.com

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