[jbosstools-dev] Can we bump TP in jbosstools-4.3.x to 4.51.2.Beta1?

André Dietisheim adietish at redhat.com
Wed Dec 9 08:24:30 EST 2015

On 12/09/2015 01:00 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> On 9 Dec 2015, at 12:46, André Dietisheim wrote:
>> Hi
>> in openshift we have a annoying bug with table/tree label decorations 
>> on Linux/GTK which turns them black (while they should be grey, a 
>> color different from the main label) and results in bad readabilty:
>> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-21187
>> This is caused by a bug in SWT/GTK which Snjezana fixed:
>> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=466499
>> The fixed swt plugin 3.104.1 is available from TP 4.51.2.Beta1.
>> I'd therefore like to required this latest TP for jbosstools-4.3.x 
>> which would make all of Jboss Tools require it.
>> Can I?
> There is no easy/good way to make it work with both Mars.0 and Mars.1 ?

a bit more details: the root swt bug resulted in all labels being 
the workaround we currently have in place is to turn ownerdraw off for 
trees. This works in Mars.0 and Mars.1 but isnt great, label decorations 
are black like the main label which makes items hard to read.
The only way I see to fix this is by using the fixed swt plug which isnt 
available for Mars0 afaik (fixed swt starts with 3.104.1).

> Do we know of other bugs that we have that would benefit from Mars.1 ?

I know that several swt issue were fixed I couldnt tell you by heart 
which ones. Maybe @Snjezana knows?

> I thought I saw others but I can't recall them right now - Rob/Victor, 
> I have some memory of you
> having issues that are fixed only if running with Mars.1 ?
> /max
> http://about.me/maxandersen

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