[jbosstools-dev] Can we bump TP in jbosstools-4.3.x to 4.51.2.Beta1?

Alexey Kazakov alkazako at redhat.com
Thu Dec 10 10:56:37 EST 2015

On 12/10/2015 07:07 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> Okey, but how about have at startup of the plugin check the SWT version
> and if it is the broken one disable custom painting and
> use the default if it is not the broken version ?
> Then you can build and install against Mars.0 but still work better when
> users install on Mars.1+
> Seems like the simplest/best option ?
+1. I suggested that in JIRA too. I looked at the code and it seems to 
be easy to implement.
Andre, if you are too busy fixing OS/CDK stuff for Beta1, I think we can 
ask Snjezana to help with that.

> What I mean - this single issue (like Alexey and others pointed out too)
> seems too minor to incur on everyone
> running Mars.0 to get the remediation dialog.
> Thus I was looking for more severe issues that would make it worthwhile
> to force Mars.1.


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