[jbosstools-dev] JBoss Tools Core 4.3.0.Beta1 bits available for QE testing

Mickael Istria mistria at redhat.com
Tue Jun 9 10:32:01 EDT 2015

On 06/09/2015 03:55 PM, George Gastaldi wrote:
> I'd like to add JBIDE-19967 to the list of this respin. This was 
> requested by the camel team and it would be nice to have it before summit.
Can you please link to the commit that fixes it on Jira, to make sure it 
doesn't introduce any risk on the branch?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets 
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