[jbosstools-dev] New location of the source files for earlyaccess.properties

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Fri May 8 14:51:55 EDT 2015

If you are a developer who is producing content which is tagged as Early 
Access in JBoss Central, this email applies to you. Or, if you're 
involved in releasing new discovery plugins to JBoss Central (Paul, 
Mickael, myself), this email applies to you.

For everyone else, it's just an FYI.


In order to avoid confusion concerning which version is the latest for a 
given stream of builds (master vs. stable branch), and to streamline the 
release process to handle both JBT/JBDS releases and their associated 
(but later) JBTIS/JBDSIS releases, I've moved stuff around so it's more 
obvious where the latest versions come from.

Note: this applies to the Mars releases only.

Thus, here are the source files to update if/when things are added to 
the list of things we include in Central which are Early Access:



When those are updated in github, they will cascade into the Central 
plugins when rebuilt (such that when in offline mode there's still a 
backup/default list), and also into the creation of the Central and 
Early Access *Discovery* sites.

For changes related to new versions of IS features, this may require a 
rebuild of jbosstools-discovery project or will simply require copying 
the new properties on top of those released versions elsewhere on 
devstudio.redhat.com or download.jboss.org.

Which version of the properties file should be used for a given version 
of JBT/JBDS is still controlled here:


Any questions about this reorg, see these JIRA or ask in this thread:

* https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-19346
* https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-3208


Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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