[jbosstools-dev] Eclipse plugins testing structure

Aurelien Pupier apupier at redhat.com
Wed Jan 27 04:28:57 EST 2016


I'm currently trying to improve test structure for Jboss Fuse Tooling 
project (https://github.com/fusesource/fuseide).

On Max recommendation, I take a look at jbosstools-devdoc 

When i take a look to 
. This project is in tests folder but it launches tycho-surefire-plugin. 
As far as I understand Tycho, it means that it is launching an OSGi 
platform. From my point of view, it means that these tests are already 
integration tests and the only difference between tests and itests 
currently is more fast vs slow tests.

What I wanted to achieve is to have really fast unit test, so I created 
a fragment and so use maven-surefire-plugin. You can see the fragment 
and the parent pom configuration:


Did I misunderstood something?
Are there counterpoints to use fragments and maven-surefire-plugin?
Are there other examples which are matching more closely to my usecase 
in jboss tools codebase?

Thanks by advance for your help

Aurelien Pupier
Senior Software Engineer in JBoss Fuse Tooling Team

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