[jbosstools-dev] JBoss Toos 4.4.1.AM2 release schedule

Alexey Kazakov alkazako at redhat.com
Fri Jul 8 14:43:27 EDT 2016

Hi all,

Just a reminder that our initial plan was to release milestones of JBoss 
Tools after every sprint and work on automation of this process so it 
doesn't require a lot of efforts any manual work.
But because of holidays in Canada, USA and Czech Republic plus busy Red 
Hat Summit week before that we skipped public release of JBoss Tools 
Our next (4.4.1.AM2) release will be on July 26 (Tuesday) with 
codefreeze on July 21 (Thursday). This will be our first public 
milestone release for JBT 4.4.1.
The release schedule is available here - 

Thank you.

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