[jbosstools-dev] How to provide Examples on the IDE Jboss Central welcome page for Integration Stack projects

Aurelien Pupier apupier at redhat.com
Wed Mar 2 11:33:46 EST 2016


For Fuse IDE, we would like to provide sample projects/quickstarts 
directly on JBoss Tools Central welcome page.
thanks to rhopp on IRC, it seems that we need to modify 
but in this case it means that the Fuse examples/quickstarts will be 
available/installed even if the Fuse tooling has not been installed. 
Users might get confused.

I'm also not sure on how to fill these files, and which ones exactly.
Which kind of examples/quickstarts is provided? Are there Eclipse 
projects to import? Are there maven archetypes used to create the 
project? Something else?

Thanks by advance for help on the subject

Aurelien Pupier
Senior Software Engineer in JBoss Fuse Tooling Team

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