[jbosstools-dev] Hooking up Fuse Tools and SwitchYard with usage tracking

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Fri Mar 11 12:08:41 EST 2016

On 11 Mar 2016, at 18:01, Brian Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Hi all,
> Back in January I received great help from Alexey and Max to help me 
> take a
> look at the usage data we've been tracking for JBDS. It really helped 
> get
> some baseline numbers for ESB usage so we could justify deprecation of 
> the
> older tooling going forward (still supporting, just not actively 
> updating,
> which is how it's been for a few years now anyway).
> Now we'd like to hook SwitchYard and Fuse Tools wizards and editors up 
> to
> get them into the tracking data as well.

Wizards should already be there as long as SY and Fuse depend on the 
usage plugin.

For editors you will need to send specific events.

> Do we have anything written up on how to use the frameworks for the 
> usage
> tooling in JBDS? Or can you point me at some examples of how you've 
> done it
> for wizards and editors in the main JBoss Tools code?


Please be aware to not send a ping for every little thing - we don't 
want to overload with data.

But for example if you want to count the number of times the fuse editor 
is opened you can do that with a daily event counter.

To find examples - search for .countEvent() in JBoss Tools Server and I 
think Forge has some too.


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