[jbosstools-dev] ACTION REQUIRED: JBoss Tools / Developer Studio new sprint creation: devex #137 Sept 2017

nboldt at redhat.com nboldt at redhat.com
Fri Aug 25 12:44:36 EDT 2017

As the current sprint 'devex #136 August 2017' draws to a close, 
it is time to create the next sprint, 'devex #137 Sept 2017',
so that planning + triage can occur.

Here are the issues that will need to be moved to the next 
sprint, a future milestone, or postponed to .x or LATER.

All unresolved issues for 4.5.1.AM1 / 11.1.0.AM1:


All *YOUR* unresolved issues for 4.5.1.AM1 / 11.1.0.AM1:


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