[jbosstools-dev] ACTION REQUIRED: Scanning your project's jars with jdeps to test JDK 9 compliance

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Fri Dec 8 13:58:27 EST 2017

I've added a jdeps profile to the parent pom for version 4.5.2.AM3-SNAPSHOT.


Now, you can build any jbosstools-* project like this...

1. Create a toolchains.xml file that looks like this, ideally in your ~/.m2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>























2. Update to latest parent pom:

cd /path/to/jbosstools-openshift

sed -i -e "s/4.5.2.AM1-SNAPSHOT/4.5.2.AM3-SNAPSHOT/" pom.xml # grab
parent pom 4.5.2.AM3-SNAPSHOT

3. Run

mvn clean install -Pjdeps -Djdeps-jdk-version=1.8
-Djdeps-jdk-vendor=openjdk --global-toolchains ~/.m2/toolchains.xml

# or

mvn clean install -Pjdeps -Djdeps-jdk-version=9
-Djdeps-jdk-vendor=openjdk --global-toolchains ~/.m2/toolchains.xml

We could also set up Jenkins jobs to do these checks, if we wanted.

Please take some time to run your builds with the jdeps profile enabled,
and see what tests (or compilation) breaks.

You may also want to use the -P maximum profile to see what happens when
you build using the latest Oxygen.2.RC2 bits.

Net week after we declare AM2 complete, I'll pull another TP update to get
the Oxygen.2.RC4/GA bits.




Nick Boldt

Senior Software Engineer, RHCSA

Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

IM: @nickboldt / @nboldt / http://nick.divbyzero.com
TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. <https://redhat.com/trusted>
@ @redhatnews <https://twitter.com/redhatnews>      Red Hat
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