[jbosstools-dev] Proposed 4.13.0.Final-SNAPSHOT target platform change(s): Added Simrel 2019-09 Added JGit Added Docker Tooling Added Reddeer 2.7.0 Added LSP4E Added CamelTooling

sbouchet at redhat.com sbouchet at redhat.com
Thu Sep 26 03:42:34 EDT 2019

Here is a proposal for change(s) to the JBoss Tools / Red Hat CodeReady Studio / Red Hat Central target platforms.

Affected Versions:

jbosstools 4.13.0.Final
devstudio  12.13.0.Final

jbt/ds  TPs 4.13.0.Final-SNAPSHOT 
central TPs 4.13.0.Final-SNAPSHOT

Detail / Summary:

Added Simrel 2019-09
Added JGit
Added Docker Tooling
Added Reddeer 2.7.0
Added LSP4E
Added CamelTooling

Related JIRA(s):


Pull Request(s):

(already merged - see related JIRA(s))

p2diff Report(s):

(attached to JIRA)


Please review the above changes, as they have been applied and are building today.

Once the target platform is built, jobs and parent pom will be updated to point 
TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION_MAX at the new version, 4.13.0.Final-SNAPSHOT.

You can use the following to build & test the target platforms locally against
your component(s).

Build target-platform:

    cd /path/to/jbosstools-target-platforms
    git fetch origin pull/<pull-request-number>/head && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
    # or, using hub for git
    git checkout <pull-request-URL>

    mvn clean install -f jbosstools/multiple/pom.xml

Then, to test the new multiple target platform against your component's build:

    cd /path/to/your/jbosstools-component

    mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.13.0.Final-SNAPSHOT       -Dtpc.targetKind=multiple
For Central, fetch sources from jbosstools-discovery, then build as above.


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