[jbosstools-fuse-dev] [jbosstools-fuse-dev - 4] new transformation wizard

John Verhaeg verhaeg at icloud.com
Thu Mar 19 18:09:45 EDT 2015

> On Mar 19, 2015, at 4:52 PM, Keith Babo <kbabo at redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 5:07 PM, Johnny Verhaeg <verhaeg at icloud.com> wrote
>> Why are those gotchas?  It still sounds like what I suggested about merging the custom data formats with our known ones would still work and no extra fields would be needed.  What am I missing?
> How would you know what custom data formats to merge ahead of time?  Let’s say the user creates a custom XYZDataFormat for a proprietary XYZ format that they use.  There’s no way for us to know about this format.

I guess I thought the XYZDataFormat named would be already specified in the Camel configure, and thus queriable. Not so?

> Even for existing data formats, the requirements may go beyond just pointing at a file, especially if the file is an instance document and the configuration supplies details on how that instance document is used to generate model classes and/or configure the data format itself.

This seems way too ambitious to me. I thought you indicated the models would already have been generated in the custom case? How could we possibly know how to generate models from within the wizard based upon completely data format-specific configuration that we'd have no idea how to interpret? Or are you envisioning specific types of custom configuration to support?

> ~ keith
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