[jbosstools-issues] JBoss Tools update site does not contain any features

Stephan Schobloch sschobloch at web-shuttle.de
Fri Feb 15 05:49:28 EST 2008

I just tried to install JBoss Tools 2.0.0 using the Eclipse update site.
I've done this more than once before and never had any problems. Now Eclipse
displays the message:

"No features found on the selected site(s). Choose a different site or site

I checked the update site URL twice, and it's definitely correct. I even
looked at the source of the site.xml file that is located on the update site
and it seems to be correct. Am I the only one with this issue (meaning that
it's presumably an issue with my Eclipse installation)?

I also tried downloading the ZIP package of the Tools, but extracting the
contents of the archive into my Eclipse directory didn't work neither - the
tools simply don't appear in Eclipse.

Finally, I downloaded the site.xml and all relevant JAR-Files manually and
created a local update site - ending up with the same error message.

Best regards,
Stephan Schobloch
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