[jbosstools-issues] seam generate entities from eclipse throws exception

Kanwar bir singh sangha kbsangha at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 02:30:59 EDT 2008


Seam generate entities using JBoss tools
(JBossTools-2.1.2.GA-ALL-win32) is throwing the following exception -

Can't generate seam entities
org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.ExporterException: Error while processing
Entity: org.domain.SeamGen.entity.Auditlog with template
view/list.xhtml.ftl Error while processing Entity:
org.domain.SeamGen.entity.Auditlog with template view/list.xhtml.ftl
org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.ExporterException: Error while processing
Entity: org.domain.SeamGen.entity.Auditlog with template
view/list.xhtml.ftl Error while processing Entity:
org.domain.SeamGen.entity.Auditlog with template view/list.xhtml.ftl
freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression util.isToOne is
undefined on line 27, column 38 in view/list.xhtml.ftl. Expression
util.isToOne is undefined on line 27, column 38 in view/list.xhtml.ftl

seam version - 2.1.0.CR1
Jboss Tools - 2.1.2.GA


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