[jbossws-dev] jaxb fault marshalling is done

Alejandro Guizar alex.guizar at jboss.com
Fri Nov 17 11:59:44 EST 2006

It took a while to learn and then capture all the details in the
specification, but jaxb fault marshalling is resolved now. All tests
that were previously disabled with a "FIXME: JBWS-1297" are active and

As of revision 1455, twelve tests are failing. They seem unrelated to
this issue, tough:

  + jaxrpc
    + enventry.EnvEntryJSETestCase
      - testHandlers
  + jaxws
    + binding.SOAPBindingTestCase
      - testClientAccess
    + context.WebServiceContextTestCase
      - testWSDLAccess
      - testClientAccess
    + jbws944.JBWS944TestCase
      - testRemoteAccess
    + jsr181.webservice.JSR181WebServiceEJB3TestCase
      - testRemoteAccess
    + samples.jsr181ejb.JSR181WebServiceEJB3TestCase
      - testRemoteAccess
    + samples.retail.RetailSampleTestCase
      - testWebService
    + samples.wsaddressing.AddressingStatefulTestCase
	- testAddItem
      - testGetItems
      - testCheckout
    + webserviceref.WebServiceRefEJB3TestCase
      - testEJB3Client


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