[jbossws-dev] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: JBWS-1452 - WSDL To Java, Array unwrapping.

jason.greene@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 12 19:06:52 EST 2007

This code only applies to the root level parameters on the SEI, unwrapping of arrays is also done in XSD processing. The reason it applies to rpc was to make arrays simpler from a client perspective. So the wsdl produced by java-wsdl for foo(String[] blah) would generate the same method signature on the client.

The reason its disabled for document/literal is because array unwrapping on the parameter level for a document/literal wrapped message is not needed. I'm not sure why bare was prevented as well, most likely was unintentional. I guess the reason no one complained is that using an array parameter for a bare service is probably rare.


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