[jbossws-dev] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: Setting the properties on the JAXBContext

tfennelly do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 26 12:17:57 EDT 2007


We need something agreed for 2.0.0 and I'd guess it's too late for a neutral SPI based solution at this stage, yes/no?

At the end of the day I'd imagine something like this will be required for this type of usecase, no matter what the underlying stack + marshal/unmarshal technology combo is, yeah?  I know XStream has it's own non-standards based set of annotations (aliases), as well as an external XML config model that it uses for defining what is essentially the same binding metadata - namespaces, types etc.  If the JBossWS SPI is going to accommodate defining these external configs ala what we've done for JAXB and what XStream has in its alias configs, will it pick one standard and map to the underlying impl or what?  If it goes with one standard, would something based on JAXB and it's annotations be the natural choice?  

Anyway, maybe that's all for another day - we need something for 2.0.0 asap :-)

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