[jbossws-dev] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: JBossWS Deployers Integration - Fixing Strategy

richard.opalka@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 16 09:29:14 EDT 2009

Current JBossWS + AS5 integration isn't implemented properly.
There are two main issues with it:

ad1) We're not reusing provided AS deployers architecture/concept.
     Instead of reusing it we're reimplementing the same architecture
     pattern on our own. It made sence to do it in the past
     when we were supporting AS 40, AS 42 and AS 50 but now when AS 5x is 
     supported only it doesn't make sence anymore.
     Correcting JBossWS integration with AS deployers architecture will
     also allow other AS projects to better integrate with JBossWS seamlessly
     (see JBAS-5935).

ad2) Second problem is we're doing not just metadata processing stuff
     in deployers processing layer. Many of the current deployment aspects
     have to be executed in Servlet lifecycle methods to prevent
     "chicken and egg" problem we're facing at the present 
     (see JBWS-2370).
     These deployment aspects that will be moved to servlet lifecycle methods
     will also be executed per endpoint not per deployment like is it now.

The following JBossWS deployment aspects will be removed from deployers chain (will be moved to servlet lifecycle methods):
 * EndpointLifecycleDeploymentAspect
 * EndpointHandlerDeploymentAspect
 * EndpointRecordProcessorDeploymentAspect
 * EventingDeploymentAspect
 * ServiceEndpointInvokerDeploymentAspect
 * RMDeploymentAspect
 * EagerInitializeDeploymentAspect
 * EndpointMetricsDeploymentAspect
 * EndpointAddressDeploymentAspect

The following JBossWS deployment aspects will stay in deployers processing chain (but will be reimplemented to use AS deployers approach instead):
 * RuntimeLoaderDeploymentAspect
 * PublishContractDeploymentAspect
 * JAXBIntroDeploymentAspect
 * UnifiedMetaDataDeploymentAspect
 * ContextPropertiesDeploymentAspect
 * ModifyWebMetaDataDeploymentAspect
 * BackwardCompatibleContextRootDeploymentAspect
 * BackwardCompatibleURLPatternDeploymentAspect
 * EndpointRegistryDeploymentAspect
 * EndpointNameDeploymentAspect
 * InjectionMetaDataDeploymentAspect
 * ContainerMetaDataDeploymentAspect
 * WebAppGeneratorDeploymentAspect
 * WebAppDeploymentAspect
 * VirtualHostDeploymentAspect

WS deployer hooks will be reimplemented too (will become AS deployers)

View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4237925#4237925

Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4237925

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