[jbossws-dev] [JBoss Web Services Development] - Re: jms transport support in jbossws-cxf

alessio.soldano@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 4 03:50:05 EST 2009

"jim.ma" wrote : 
  | "alessio.soldano at jboss.com" wrote : 
  |   | - consider taking a look at the CXF JMSTransportFactory, perhaps there's an easy hook for getting/setting the address. We currently overwrite the SoapTransportFactory in the bus in CXFServletExt.loadBus(..) in order to implement our own soap address rewriting rules for http endpoints. Perhaps a similar approach might be useful here (extending the jms transport factory, etc.) for the jms case.
  | Do you mean we can specify the jms address in servlet initial parameter and set it in the JMSDestination when initialize servlet ?
No, I don't think allowing the jms address to be provided in servlet initial parameters is useful, considering the same can already be achieved using the other descriptor (jbossws-cxf.xml).
What I'm thinking about is that you can probably define a new JMSTransportFactory that extends the original one and also uses the information regarding the jms stuff to update the endpoint address in the registry. That information is basically the  JMSConfiguration that is currently computed in the jms transport factory.

Besides this, I was actually thinking about something else. Another interesting think to do would be to consider the jms endpoints too in the endpoint metrics that we provide (the count of messages, etc.). This is something we can deal with later, but keep an eye for possible integration points, idea, etc.

"jim.ma" wrote : 
  | "alessio.soldano at jboss.com" wrote : 
  |   | - we might think about something (an annotation?) to mark a jms endpoint when doing java-first, assuming there's not an equivalent way in CXF yet. That could be looked for in the DA to properly write the jbossws-cxf that is generated on the fly when not provided by the user.
  | Annotation is another way to specify jms transport and address. IMHO, It's flexible to define the jms configuration in web.xml. You do not need to compile the code when you change the queue name .
Yes, I see what you mean, let's stick with the descriptor for now (the jbossws-cxf.xml)

"jim.ma" wrote : 
  | "alessio.soldano at jboss.com" wrote : 
  |   | - is the CXF JMSFeature (http://cxf.apache.org/docs/using-the-jmsconfigfeature.html) configuration of any use to us?
  | IMO, it is another format to attach the jms configuraiton to the client and endpoint. If user provides the jbossws-cxf.xml like this format , we do not support to parse ,extract the jms address information and register the endpoint. We will just support one format like the jbossws-cxf.xml in current jms transport sample.  

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