[jbossws-dev] [JBWS-CXF] On injections and @PostConstruct

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Fri Jul 2 03:51:03 EDT 2010

Hi Sergey,

Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> By the way as far as the PostConstruct in Spring is concerned, I 
> reckon the only way is to tell Spring not to call @PostConstruct. This 
> is because JBossCXF level injection won't work even if we find a way 
> to do the injection just before Spring calls PostConstruct because 
> JBoss JNDI context is not ready at a time when Spring does the 
> initialization - lets chat at IRC tomorrow
Afaics today with a quick debug, currently the spring support for 
resource injection and @PostConstruct invocation is disabled by default. 
That can be enabled by un-commenting the following in cxf.xml / 

<!--  For Testing using the Swing commons processor, uncomment one of:

as a matter of facts, the JSR250BeanPostProcessor that cxf installs 
correctly find out spring is not handling the injections and enables itself.
In any case, the @PostConstruct invocation on the endpoint bean seems to 
be explicitly requested by cxf code in the 
JaxWsServerFactoryBean::injectResources(Object instance). A new 
ResourceInjector is created there and used.
While we could probably provide our factory redefining that 
injectResources method [1] (otherwise we also do double injection for 
all the handlers too...), there's still the problem of the ejb3 jndi 
context not being available at that time.
I think this is something that changed recently, see 
http://community.jboss.org/message/533419#533419 and 
https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBWS-2970 . The workaround that I 
suggested and Richard implemented was to actually use the context at 
runtime only, because with Native stack that was an easy and completely 
valid solution (an instance of the pojo endpoint bean is actually 
created at runtime only). With the CXF stack we might want to consider 
going back and evaluating what Carlo proposed on the forum, that's 
making sure the context is available when the deployment aspect for 
injections metadata is run.
Otherwise the workaround is still to actually prevent any resource 
injection / jsr250 invocation by the cxf serverfactorybean and do that 
in the servlethelper as you did (we should check if postponing all the 
endpoint/handlers resource injection there has some effects on cxf 
bus/model creation - but I don't think there're problems here).

[1] or even modify that method @apache for allowing users to configure 
the ResourceInjector to be used... giving us a clean hook for installing 
our own injector

Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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