[jbossws-dev] Moving (integration) tests to Maven integration-test phase

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Fri Feb 11 12:58:46 EST 2011

while working on fixing an issue related to JBWS-3210, I've moved the 
jbossws-cxf testsuites executions from the "test" maven phase to the 
"integration-test" phase (which btw is where those tests should have 
belonged to since the beginning, given they really are integration tests).
So, to run the testsuites you should now use something like:
 > mvn -Ptestsuite,jbossXYZ -DjbossXYZ.home=... integration-test

Documentation update coming soon, as well the same changes on Native 
stack (requires the Native stack build to be changed for supporting 
Maven 3 first).

Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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