[jbossws-dev] Eliminate the EndpointRegistry and consolidate the management

Jim Ma ema at redhat.com
Mon Jun 3 06:00:06 EDT 2013

Hi Alessio,
On 05/30/2013 07:37 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> On 05/30/2013 08:21 AM, Jim Ma wrote:
> to be honest, it's not a matter of users here, we're talking about an
> interface that's used for container integration needs. So, the reason
> why we had that LifeCycleHandler thing was afair to have clear control
> point for the endpoint start/stop. During undeploy, the first thing we
> do is stopping the endpoint, which basically close the processing of
> requests, allowing the undeploy process to do what it has to do.
> So, any solution we come out with needs to ensure we immediately stop
> processing incoming requests as the first step of the undeploy process.
> So just please make sure that moving stuff in the EndpointService
> satisfies this "requirement".
I thought the LifeCycleHandler somewhat likes the EndpointStart/Stop 
Thanks for pointing this. For this reason, we should  keep the 
This could be the only thing we can improve or refactor :
ATM, The LifeCycleHandler is executed in EndpointServiceDA after the 
EndpointService installed.
There is no code to check if the EndpointService is started or failed, 
The EndpointServiceDA takes it as
sucessfully installed and set the Endpoint state to STARTED in the 
LifeCycleHandler. Is it necessary
we check the EndpointService's status before set the Endpoint state ? is 
it better that we  execute
the LifecycleHandler in the EndpointService.start() ?


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