[jbossws-dev] Fwd: EndpointMetrics Refactor

Jim Ma ema at redhat.com
Mon Jul 7 05:13:56 EDT 2014

These 4 cxf jiras are related to this change:
   [CXF-5847]:Add operation to enable/disable ResponseTimeCounter
   [CXF-5843]:Allow define the ObjectName of ResponseTimeCounterMBean
   [CXF-5840]:ResponseTimeCounter counts the one-way fault message twice
   [CXF-5839]:ResponseTimeCounter doesn't count the schema validation fault

With the change for this 4 JIRAs, I also did some refactor to log more 
begin/end processing time and clean up work to  remove some unused code.


On 07/07/14 17:03, Alessio Soldano wrote:
> Thanks,
> will have a look. Can you clarify which of the jiras on this topic 
> recently created at https://issues.apache.org are actually required?
> Thanks
> Alessio
> On 07/07/14 10:31, Jim Ma wrote:
>> I've checked in all things related this change for your review :
>> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/spi/branches/metrics
>> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/common/branches/metrics
>> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/stack/cxf/branches/metrics
>> https://github.com/jimma/wildfly/tree/metric
>> All the cxf change are merged : in 
>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf.git
>> If you have any concerns and comments, please let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> On 03/07/14 11:35, Jim Ma wrote:
>>> Thanks for all your input, Alessio. I've already created prototype 
>>> code,
>>> will create some workspace and check in later.
>>> On 07/02/2014 10:52 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>>> At the beginning,  I'd like to quickly list the cons of the current
>>>>> EndpointMetrics
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> - Because the statistics is fulfilled in RequestHandlerImpl , 
>>>>> after the
>>>>> response is successfully
>>>>>        returned to receiver. The response related metric value 
>>>>> could not
>>>>> be updated in time, more
>>>>>        details pleas see JBWS-3808
>>>>> - It doesn't count the one way fault correctly.
>>>> yep, we need more consistent values to be returned by metric queries.
>>>>> - It doesn't expose all the attribute in jmx.
>>>> This is not necessarily a requirement, but a nice to have.
>>>>> - If the cxf's management is enabled, user will get two different
>>>>> statistics value. One is
>>>>>        calculated  with jbossws-cxf's endpointmetrics which 
>>>>> happens in
>>>>> RequestHandler(servlet),
>>>>>        and another one is calculated with 
>>>>> ResponseTimeInterceptor(cxf's
>>>>> interceptor).
>>>> right, and this is possibly confusing users, while we could rely on 
>>>> the
>>>> existing cxf mechanism...
>>>>> The pros of current implementation :
>>>>>     - It gives more accurate start time for each request.
>>>>>     - It is simple and doesn't need to add more interceptor/extra 
>>>>> code in
>>>>> the runtime to collect
>>>>>         the data.
>>>> In any case, regardless of which solution we eventually end up relying
>>>> on, we need to make the data collection as light as possible and, more
>>>> important, we need to make sure you can disable statistics and get no
>>>> performance degradation at all.
>>>>> >From the above analysis, one important thing we need to do is 
>>>>> make the
>>>>> EndpintMetrics seamlessly
>>>>> work with cxf's management intercetptor and get statistics from one
>>>>> place instead of generate two
>>>>> copies from different implementation.
>>>> +1
>>>>> There is CounterRepostiry extension in cxf  which responsible for
>>>>> creating ResponseTimeCounter
>>>>> for each endpoint,  It can be the only source we get statistics 
>>>>> for each
>>>>> endpoint.
>>>>> To get metric value from this class, we need to change following 
>>>>> things:
>>>>> 1. Each ResponseTImeCounter(something similar to EndpointMetrics) is
>>>>> lazily created in
>>>>>        message interceptor and put in CounterReposiory with a long
>>>>> ObjectName at the moment. We
>>>>>        need to change it and add the ResponseTimeCounter for each 
>>>>> jbossws
>>>>> endpoint , then put it in
>>>>>        CounterRepostiry with key name of endpoint name.
>>>>> 2. Change EndpointMetricsFactory abstract class to create with
>>>>> EndpointMetric with endpoint
>>>>>        parameter so the endpoint name can be used to create
>>>>> ResponseTimeCounter.
>>>>> 3. Create new EndpointMetricImpl in jbossws-cxf and get metric value
>>>>> from ResponseCounter
>>>>>       which is created for each endpoint.
>>>>> 4. Change the ResponseTimeInterceptor and allow for define the 
>>>>> counter
>>>>> object name.
>>>>> Besides this , I also need to refactor the ResponseTimeInterceptor to
>>>>> make it log the process time
>>>>> more accurate(by move ResponseTimeInInterceptor before several
>>>>> interceptors ?). And also refactor
>>>>> the ResponseTimeInterceptor a bit to handle the fault message 
>>>>> correctly.
>>>> The plan might work afaics here. The details are probably the core of
>>>> the issue ;-) I think you can provide a prototype and we can have a 
>>>> look
>>>> together. Just always keep in mind my comment above regarding
>>>> performance and being able to disable the stats at runtime to have 
>>>> full
>>>> perf.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Alessio
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