[jbossws-dev] JXM bean, ServerConfig access question

Rebecca Searls rsearls at redhat.com
Tue May 6 17:10:37 EDT 2014

I'm adding a new property to ServerConfig.  I have confirmed that my sample
app works properly.  I've hit a snag when adding a test to (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/stack/cxf/branches/rsearls)
The exiting test updates a like property as follows

      Attribute attr = new Attribute("WebServiceHost", value);
      getServer().setAttribute(SERVER_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME, attr);

On the server side org.jboss.as.jmx.PluggableMBeanServerImpl$TcclMBeanServer is being

In JBWS2150TestCaseForked I am setting my property in a like manner.

      Attribute attr = new Attribute("WebServicePath", value);
      getServer().setAttribute(SERVER_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME, at

However it fails, "WebServicePath" is not found.
This seems to be a JMX bean setup issues. 

Any advise as to how to resolve would be appreciated.

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