[jbossws-dev] Web UI testing - qe practice

Rostislav Svoboda rsvoboda at redhat.com
Mon Jul 18 11:05:46 EDT 2016

Hi Rebecca.

For Web UI testing we use following setup:
 - FF binary shared on NFS
 - Jenkins slaves have X11 + vncserver installed
 - Jenkins uses Xvnc plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Xvnc+Plugin

Jenkins configuration:
 	Command line			vncserver :$DISPLAY_NUMBER -geometry 1920x1080
	Minimum display number		10
	Maximum display number		99

Jenkins job configuration:
Job configuration - Build Environment - Run Xvnc during build
 	No	Take Screenshot Upon Build Completion?	
 	Yes	Create a dedicated Xauthority file per build?
FF location is set by -Darq.extension.webdriver.firefox_binary=${FIREFOX_BINARY} so we do not need to modify PATH

Some details about UI testing can be found here: https://github.com/hal/testsuite/blob/master/README.md

Rostislav Svoboda
Principal JBoss QA Engineer

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