[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Single Client, Multiple Service Endpoints

elcapitan do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Dec 17 18:27:44 EST 2006

G'day all,

This is probably quite straightforward, but I've been unable to turn much up about it. I'm deploying a reasonably complicated EJB3 application in an AS, and I've got four different stateless beans that I'd like to expose as webservices, to be consumed by a single client. I can't work out a tidy way to create and provide the client-side artefacts - at the moment, I can expose all the services, but I'm having problems generating mapping files and setting them up on the client side. 

In order of preference, here's what I'd like to be able to do:

1. Instruct wstools to include information from more than a single WSDL file, and produce a single jaxrpc-mapping.xml file. At present, my wstools-config.xml looks like:
<configuration xmlns="http://www.jboss.org/jbossws-tools">
  |     <wsdl-java file="http://localhost:8080/crawler/WatchListManager?wsdl" unwrap="false">
  |         <mapping file="META-INF/jaxrpc-mapping.xml"/>
  |     </wsdl-java>
  | </configuration>
If I could get this to include multiple WSDLs, that would solve all my problems pretty neatly, I think.

2. If that's not possible, can I instruct the client to read mapping information from multiple files? As such, they won't all be named jaxrpc-mapping.xml, so how can I tell the client where to look?

3. If all else fails, I could always create a facade service interface, but for reasons of modularity I'd really like to avoid this.

Cheers, thanks in advance,


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