[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - getMessageContext -> NOT IMPLEMENTED

ppc do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Oct 22 16:14:37 EDT 2006

im using a stateless ejb3 with jsr181 as endpoint running on jboss-4.0.4.GA with EJB3-RC9FD

the method is trying to retreiving a soap attachment with the follwing code:

  | @WebService( ...)
  | @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
  | @Stateless
  | public class Broker  {
  | 	@Resource 
  | 	SessionContext ctx;
  |         ....
  |         ....
  | 	private DataHandler getDataHanler() throws SOAPException  {
  | 		SOAPMessageContext msgContext = (SOAPMessageContext)ctx.getMessageContext();
  | 	      SOAPMessage soapMessage = msgContext.getMessage();
  | 	      Iterator attachments = soapMessage.getAttachments();
  | 	      if (attachments.hasNext())
  | 	      {
  | 	         AttachmentPart ap = (AttachmentPart)attachments.next();
  | 	         dh=ap.getDataHandler();
  | 	      }
  |             return dh;
  |           }

but jboss is throwing a NOT IMPLEMENTD...

  | Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: NOT IMPLEMENTED
  |         at org.jboss.ejb3.BaseSessionContext.getMessageContext(BaseSessionContext.java:331)
  |         at net.nxt.core.Broker.getDataHanler(Broker.java:90)

does anybody succeed to retreive an attachement for a stateless bean ?


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