[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: jws & visual b. soapsdk3.0, namespaces. JAXRPCException:

delkant do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 25 11:43:45 EDT 2006

I'm using jbossws 1.0.2 but i also made some test with 1.0.3, and still have the same problem, but wasn't a jbossws problem, i solve it using the low level soapsdk way, making line by line my own soap archive in visual b.

  | Option Explicit
  | Dim URL
  | Const ENC = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
  | Const XSI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance"
  | Const XSD = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema"
  | Const NS = "http://localhost/eset/py/ServiceWS"
  | Dim Method
  | Dim Connector
  | Dim Serializer
  | Function init(aParameters, aValues) As String
  |     Dim URI
  |     URL = Parametros.SERVER_HOST & "/eset/ServiceWS?wsdl"
  |     Set Connector = CreateObject("MSSOAP.HttpConnector30")
  |     Set Serializer = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapSerializer30")
  |     Dim Reader
  |     Set Reader = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapReader30")
  |     URI = NS
  |     Connector.Property("EndPointURL") = URL
  |     Connector.Property("SoapAction") = Method
  |     Call Connector.Connect
  |     Call Connector.BeginMessage
  |     Serializer.init Connector.InputStream
  |     Serializer.StartEnvelope "soapenv", ENC
  |     Serializer.SoapNamespace "xsi", XSI
  |     Serializer.SoapNamespace "xsd", XSD
  |     Serializer.StartBody "soapenv"
  |     Serializer.startElement Method
  |     Serializer.SoapAttribute "xmlns", "", NS, ""
  |     Dim iCount
  |     iCount = 0
  |     Dim sP
  |     For Each sP In aParameters
  |      WriteElement sP, aValues(iCount)
  |      'MsgBox(sP & ":" & aValues(iCount))
  |      iCount = iCount + 1
  |     Next
  |     Serializer.endElement
  |     Serializer.EndBody
  |     Serializer.EndEnvelope
  |     Connector.EndMessage
  |     Reader.Load Connector.OutputStream
  |     If Not Reader.Fault Is Nothing Then
  |         MsgBox Reader.faultstring.Text, vbExclamation
  |     Else
  |         'Response is in Reader.DOM - just parse it
  |         'Reader.RPCResult.XML
  |        init = Reader.RPCResult.Text
  |     End If
  | End Function
  | Sub WriteElement(sName, sValue)
  |   'MsgBox(sName & ":" & sValue)
  |     Serializer.startElement sName
  |     'Serializer.SoapAttribute "type", , "xsd:string", "xsi"
  |     Serializer.SoapAttribute "xmlns", "", "", ""
  |     Serializer.WriteString sValue
  |     Serializer.endElement
  | End Sub
  | Public Function aSpecifMethod(pamam1 As String, param2 As String) As String
  |  Dim result
  |  Dim aParameters
  |  Dim aValues
  | '(sName, sValue)
  |     Method = "aSpecifMethod"
  |     aParameters = Array("String_1", "String_2")
  |     aValues = Array(param1, param2)
  |     aSpecifMethod = init(aParameters, aValues)
  | End Function

this code works fine on visual basic.

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